About the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

The Florida Joint Center for Citizenship (FJCC) is a partnership between the Lou Frey Institute of Politics and Government at the University of Central Florida and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service at the University of Florida. FJCC grew from a 2006 bipartisan effort, launched by Congressman Lou Frey and Senator Bob Graham, to improve civic education in Florida.

FJCC is pleased to be one of many organizations who are helping to restore the civic mission of Florida’s schools. Since 2006, the state’s social studies standards and benchmarks have been revised and strengthened, the Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Education Act has added civics to Florida’s list of tested subjects, and FJCC has been established by formal agreement between the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida. FJCC is administered by the Lou Frey Institute.

For additional resources in civics, US government, and US history, as well as materials for elementary civics education, please visit our main page at the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship.