Use this section to explore resources about how the government is monitored and influenced, methods of media and political communication, public policy problem solving, and determine multiple perspectives on issues. Click on the links to each of the module pages below to explore that module's content.

Influencing the Government VIDEO UPDATED

Let's Learn About Influencing the Government

SS.7.CG.2.8: Students will examine the impact of media, individuals, and interest groups on monitoring and influencing the government

Bias, Symbolism and Propaganda VIDEO UPDATED

Let's Learn About Bias, Symbolism and Propaganda:

SS.7.CG.2.9: Analyze media and political communication (bias, symbolism, propaganda).

Public Policy Problem Solving VIDEO UPDATED

Let's Learn About Public Policy Problem Solving!

SS.7.CG.2.10: Explain the process for citizens to address a state or local problem by researching public policy alternatives, identifying appropriate government agencies to address the issue, and determining a course of action.